How long are you going to polish? Use CAM-TOOL, Less Polishing!!

  • 2021年7月16日

High-precision toolpaths enable shortening the polishing work.


We have created a new sample to see how the difference in surface quality affects the polishing work.



▲ Fig1: Cutting result -Before polishing
    *Machining condition are the same. (Spindle speed and feedrate etc)


The material is a common for Injection mold STAVAX (52HRC).

The workpiece is divided into 4 areas. Surface A to D (hereinafter A to D), with 2 groups, and the processing time and the number of compounds to achieve a hand-finished mirror surface were compared.

▲Fig2: Polishing each one of piece




▲ Fig3: Polishing result




▲ Fig4: Polishing detail C & B

C and B started with #600 and finished with #6000 for a mirror finish.




▲ Fig5: Polishing detail A & D

A was started with #3000, but there was no change after 30 minutes, so changed to #1200. It took a total of 300 minutes to get a mirror surface. D was machined by "Surface calculation" and it was very easy to get a mirror surface with # 3000 and # 6000 process. Total is only 152 minutes.

As an impression, even though it is 1μ tolerance, there were fine polygon patterns on the entire surface, and #3000 was not enough to level out, and number had to be dropped by 2 classes to do rough polishing. But the one machined by "surface calculation" had no polygons at all, and the leveling work was minimal, thus starting with #3000 was sufficient. This also has the advantage of creating a mirror surface without destroying the shape.

As described above, we were able to prove a significant reduction in the post-processing steps, which tends to depend on know-how, simply by improving the data accuracy of CAM.


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