Cubic Partners, led by Okuma Techno (Thailand) Ltd. (referred to below as Cubic Partners) is committed to create better relations with our clients and to meet our corporate social responsibility. We consider it is our important duty to protect personal information.

This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting Cubic Partners website, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. This privacy policy below has been designed to ensure that personal information is managed rigorously and handled appropriately.


Collection of personal information

You can visit the Cubic Partners website without telling us who you are or revealing any information by which someone could identify you as a specific, identifiable individual. If, however, you wish to use some of the Cubic Partners website's features, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Information. We receive and store any information, this information may include the following:

  • Personal details such as name, company name etc.
  • Contact information such as email address, phone number etc.


Management and protection of personal information

Cubic Partners will designate a person to be in charge of managing personal information, implement appropriate management, and make every effort to avoid unauthorized release. Cubic Partners implements a range of security measures to minimize the chances of unauthorized external access, loss, damage, or alteration, and strives to protect personal information. Cubic Partners restricts access to databases and other repositories of personal information to specific personnel, implementing strict management protocols to prevent authorized in-house use of such information.

To provide the best possible service to you, Cubic Partners may consign handling of personal information to third parties. In this case a Group firm or service vendor verified to handle personal information appropriately will be selected, an agreement entered into covering the management and security of personal information, forbidding provision to other parties and requiring the implementation of adequate measures to prevent leakage, and appropriate management implemented.


What About Cookies?

Cookies are unique identifiers that we transfer to your device to enable our system to recognize your device and to provide feature such as purchasing, personalized language on websites. The Help feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Additionally, you can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, such as Flash cookies, by changing the add-on's settings or visiting the websites of its manufacturer. Because cookies allow you to take advantage of some of Cubic Partners website essential features, we recommend that you leave them turned on. For instance, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items again, or use any Cubic Partners website services that require you to Sign in.


Which Information Can I Access?

You can view the information of our partners’ business, products and services on website and can contact with our partners for more information.


Conditions of Use, Notice, and Revision

If you choose to visit Cubic Partners website, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Notice and our Terms & Conditions, including limitation on damage, resolution of dispute, and application of the law of Thailand. If you have any concern about privacy at Cubic Partners website, please contact us with a thorough description, and we will try to resolve it. Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions will change also. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account (if any). We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of your information collected in the past without the consent of affected to you.