CUBIC PARTNERS ภายใต้การนำของ OKUMA TECHNO THAILAND ก่อตั้งขึ้นเพื่อสนับสนุนการพัฒนาเทคโนโลยี
ด้าน MACHINING TOOL ในประเทศไทย เราผสานความร่วมมือด้านเทคโนโลยีจากสมาชิกทุกบริษัท เพื่อพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมไทย

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.

Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.e. they record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.

We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by Cubic Partners website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.


Why are cookies useful?

Cubic Partners website uses functional cookies to analyses how visitors use our website, track and improve our website’s functions and performance. The activity allows us to provide a good experience to visitor by identifying and fixing any issues that may happen, such as using cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising activities.

Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions. If website has log in function, when you log in to the Members Area, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through website.

In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our website, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.

Our cookies provides us the following:

  • Detecting the country you are currently visiting from
  • Checking browser type and device
  • Tracking which site the user was referred from
  • Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly


Cubic Partners website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc.. Google Analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help us analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your website usage (including your IP address) may be transmitted to Google, Inc. and stored on their servers. Google, Inc. may use this information to evaluate your website usage, to make reports about website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google, Inc. may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google, Inc. will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using Cubic Partners website, you give your consent to Google, Inc. to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.


Type of Cookies that might be stored on your device

Functional cookies

These cookies are necessary to performing the best performance of our website. Without these cookies our websites would not function properly. These cookies allow a website to remember choices you have made in the past such as the language you prefer, your user name and password in case the website need logging in, you can automatically log in etc.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies are important in measuring the performance of a website and optimizing it. These cookies are information about visitors’ behavior on a webpage during a visit. It used to determine website usage and may be used to track an individual user, but only to the extent to allow users journey through the site. Analytical cookies collect statistical, not personal information to help improving website performance, user experience or speed of the page.

Marketing cookies

These cookies are used to track visitors across websites for the purpose of delivering advertising that is relevant to the individual user and displaying advertising that is more valuable for publishers and third-party advertisers.

Targeting Cookies

These cookies are used to deliver the content which best suits you and your interests. Targeting Cookies can be used for targeting advertisement, limiting ad delivering or measuring promotional campaign effectiveness.

Preferences cookies

Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in.

Session cookies

These cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.


How to manage cookies settings

The functions of cookies settings may vary depending on the type and version of browser you install. We try to list common and widely-used types of browsers as following. You may refer to the following linkage to understand how to control your cookies settings through such browsers (The content in the following linkage is English. For your easier reading, please find the language option in the following linkage to select your preferred language). Also, if you do not use anyone of the following browsers, or the content in the following linkage is removed or not accessible, please visit those browsers’ privacy-related statements or support pages for further information.


You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website. Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.